If you ever go to Russia, you will want to visit the home of Tolstoy and see the actual desk where he wrote so many great novels. It sends chills up your spine.

…just finished finishing watching the new BBC mini-series of Leo Tolstoy’s timeless novel “War and Peace”. It was real binge television for my wife and me. The episodes came out in pairs over several weeks. We would have watched them all straight through, if Apple TV would have released them all at once. Just like reading the novel when you read it in your college days, a whole week was consumed as you pushed through to find out what will happen to Pierre, Andre and Natasha. But all the episodes have now been released, as of this week, so you can pull a War and Peace marathon. Few novels can equal War and Peace with its universal themes and iconic characters.
In Tolstoy’s house with Ab Aberethney (He is the Big Bear)