Serious, determined women… “Do not mess with me, I will destroy you”
As a proud father of two very goal-oriented young women, I’m always pleased to see that quality when I’m out on a photography assignment. I often see it in connection with women’s athletics.
Wisteria… for Katie
Photo was taken on the 29th of March, 2010 in the countryside somewhere between Nacogdoches and Center, Texas. (Image was made with a Leica M9 and a Noctilux-M 50mm lens @ f/1 .)
The Flowering Almond and Addiction
It has been said that alcoholics remember their very first drink, as if it was the day they fell in love. I told this to my wife, and she thought a minute and said, “I can’t remember my first chocolate. I guess I’m okay.” A little doubtful, I asked her to tell me the first…
Brrrrr ball: The National Pass-Time “playing in the snow”
Stephen F. Austin and Northwestern State baseball teams braved near-freezing temperature and steady snow for 10 innings and about three hours, before a bases-loaded walk to SFA’s Bo Coffman ended a 10-9 win by the Lumberjacks over the Demons at Jaycees Field Sunday.
The Ambrotype
In 1850s the Ambrotype became the most popular form of photography among Americans, preferred even over the daguerreotype.
Leabeth biking her way to Java Jacks.
Leabeth biking her way to Java Jacks, the local roaster and coffee house in Nacogdoches, Texas. It was Thanksgiving Day and She (in a holiday mood) didn’t mind me photographing her. The image was captured with a Leica M9 with an old noctilux f/1