“The age of consumer film photography was born in Rochester, at Kodak… So it is particularly satisfying that this new era of digital imaging was also created at Kodak”
Doctor of Science October 2009: The University of Rochester has conferred an honorary doctorate on Steven Sasson, who invented the first digital camera while working for Eastman Kodak Company. Sasson developed the prototype in Rochester in 1975, as a 25-year-old engineer fresh out of college, and received a patent for it in 1978, along with…
Plants sometimes need an advocate
As I have been poking around Nacogdoches during the last couple of weeks, I’ve noticed that fruits and berries have begun to ripen on our trees and shrubs. Have you noticed? The plant that really got me thinking was Cocculus carolinus. Cocculus referring to a berry and carolinus, of course, from Carolina, thus little Carolina…
Inventors of CCD honored with Nobel Prize for Physics
In 1969 Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith invented the first successful imaging technology using a digital sensor, a CCD (Charge-Coupled Device). The CCD technology transformed light is into electric signals. The invention changed the world: digital photography was born!
Forest Pansy: its color brings deep color into our sylvan world.
By this time of the year, most folks have generally forgotten our spring blooming Eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis). In the springtime it is quite showy, producing clusters of rose-colored pea-like flowers along its branches. The spring is truly the time of the year for the redbud to show off, but after the blooms fade, the…
Sound on my website!
Try this link to the travel pages of my my website! Work your way down to the Images of Istanbul. Two of the images have a sound file connected to them (a minaret and a cat). Hope you like them! www.jeffabt.com/travelimages4.html
Ab and Twitchy
My neighbor “Ab” adopted a baby orphaned squirrel a month or so ago; they have since become inseparable friends. “Twitchy” crawls around on Ab as if he were an oak tree…often falling asleep curled up on his shoulder. Ab knows that one day Twitchy will not return to him after a session of exploring the…