Darth Vader’s Heavy Breathing
The bloom of Japanese flowering apricot (Prunus mume). is a sure herald of warm days to come! News headlines have been repeating themselves of late, and on about every level the news is bad. It is as if Darth Vader’s musical theme is playing over and over in our sub conscience. ( You know,…
Romance is Sure to Follow
Spring is in the air and Valentine’s Day is coming up next weekend. When the rest of the world’s thoughts turn to romance, a gardener’s thoughts turns, not to romance, but to pruning roses. For Southerners, the Valentine’s season is the perfect time to prune America’s favorite flower. Everybody loves a rose. They are the…
Winter’s Sweet Sometimes Smiles
Haven’t we been having a wonderful winter? The cold has kept the botanical world in a deep slumber. Nothing stirs in our gardens except little flocks of songbirds. Our gardens are mostly monochrome grey with only the darkest of greens providing any variation. There is little for the gardener to do outdoors, so when…
A Winter Walk
It was a fine day last week when my four year old granddaughter and I set out on a walk to explore the byways of old Nacogdoches. The air was cool, the sky was blue, and in the trees, little flocks of chickadees and titmice followed us down Price Street discussing our progress towards…
The Fireplace and Firewood
See the video and stand by the fire! Fireplace11-15-14 I suppose today’s column has nothing really to do with gardening except in a secondary way. Our subject is trees, firewood, fireplaces and the holiday season. I have been thinking a lot about firewood lately. When I was a little boy around Christmas season, the…
The most insignificant things can be the focus of your attention.
On the Canal d’Ille et Rance (Brittany, France). John, thanks for taking me along!