Do you feel like taking an evening trip through time and space? Italy is the destination!
Italy. The very word is powerful. Few places on earth inspire the imagination like Italy. The SFA Gardens at Stephen F. Austin State University will host the next installment of the Theresa and Les Reeves Lecture Series at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 18. And the subject- Italy! Before we get to the details about the lecture let’s think about Italy…
Porch Roses
How do you greet visitors to your front door? In the old days folks usually planted a rose that would say the first hello. There’s nothing like stepping on to someone’s porch and there to be greeted by the bloom and fragrance of a rose. Porch roses are roses that fit the purpose of growing…
The flowering dogwood has no peer when it comes to beauty and elegance
The bloom of dogwood trees and the Christian Easter season is a serendipitous occurrence. The tree is renowned for its Christian symbolism. Let me recount just a few: The Cross is represented by the four “petals” (bracts) of many dogwood flowers which form a cross. The nails of Jesus’ suffering are figured in the “petals” which often…
This time of the year people flock to the nurseries and buy plants on impulse because the very thought of them sounds good. A good example of this is herbs. Everybody likes herbs, and it sounds so neat, so domestic, so close to nature to cook with fresh herbs. But if you are standing there in front of the nursery…
Photography….I’m looking forward to seeing this!
I’m looking forward to seeing this! http://www.findingvivianmaier.com
Leica Camera $968,000!
Leica Luxus I camera (1930) with 50mm f/3.5 Elmar lensand faux lizard skin body covering. Read more on LeicaRumors.com