The Hibiscus Tribe
Last week we talked a bit about the Confederate Rose, which is not a rose at all but rather a hibiscus. There are several plants of the hibiscus genus that are wonderful plants for the Texas Gardener who is on the lookout for showy yet easy-to-grow plants . I must mention another hibiscus that Texan gardeners…
The Bluebonnet and the Fair Ladies of Texas
When politicians come into conflict with the members of a women’s lineage society, you know that they will lose. It happened in March 1901. According to the Texas Handbook, the 27th Texas Legislature was considering what would be named as the Texas State Flower. You and I, today, have become quite comfortable with the bluebonnet…
“War and Peace”… In Tolstoy’s house with Ab Abernethy
If you ever go to Russia, you will want to visit the home of Tolstoy and see the actual desk where he wrote so many great novels. It sends chills up your spine. …just finished finishing watching the new BBC mini-series of Leo Tolstoy’s timeless novel “War and Peace”. It was real binge…
Harper Lee’s ‘other’ novel, by Leabeth Abt
July 14th saw the release of Harper Lee’s ‘other’ novel, and Go Set a Watchman has caused a flurry of activity in the literary world, especially among English Teachers, that iconic group who love to intersperse their daily conversations with quotes anywhere from Shakespeare to Stephen King (depending on their personal proclivities). I must…
Memorial Day
The American War Between the States claimed more lives than any conflict in U.S. history. Many of the nations first military cemeteries were establishment as a result, memorializing the fallen soldiers of the war, both Federal and Confederate. By the late 1860s Americans had begun holding springtime memorial services to the countless fallen soldiers.
Visit the Local Nursery When Traveling
I was off in San Antonio this last week to visit the grandchildren. While there I made a visit to a nearby nursery. Getting out of town to see new things is always refreshing., even if it is just a trip to central Texas. My younger brother always used to say that while…